5 Future Predictions for the World of Delivery | The latest industry news and views | Communicate Better

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5 Future Predictions for the World of Delivery

Jul 7, 2020

It's no secret that businesses must adjust to "the new normal" way of work - but what will this mean for the future of distribution and delivery?

delivery and distribution - maxoptra route optimisation

Here, Communicate Better looks to the future to see how you can stay ahead of the competition.


Businesses will target B2C

It will come as no surprise that many businesses have shifted from a B2B to a B2C business model.

While much of it is as a result of offices, restaurants and places of work being forced to shut down, there's also the matter of demand... and the B2C demand is on the rise!


eCommerce is the way forward

Online businesses continue to thrive as sales have reached a record-breaking 22.3% in the UK.

delivery online business how to start

And it's not just existing online companies, other businesses have acted fast and finally realised that the online market has potential for growth.

This has led to more focus on eCommerce, as well as marketing and PR.


Marketing is finally getting attention

It's out with the old way of thinking and in with the new! Marketing to new and existing customers is more important than ever before.

It's vital to update customers through regular email campaigns and SMS posts - keeping them in the loop regarding when their order has been dispatched, when it is likely to arrive, and when it is nearby.

By keeping the customer up to date from the very start, even if delivery times are longer than usual, the customer’s expectations are managed, and their minds put at ease.


Delivery processes will be streamlined

Now is the time to get systems and processes in order.

A business can completely change their positioning and set up a new ecommerce website. But if their orders aren’t actually getting to the customer, the business will struggle to succeed.

delivery orders - route optimisation and scheduling maxoptra

For many businesses, this will likely involve less reliance on drivers’ local knowledge, fixed routes, and manual, paper-based planning.

Instead, we predict that businesses will move to a more automated, dynamic route model, using systems that utilise innovative algorithms to optimise their orders, routes, tracking, and even communication - with minimal manual input.

Not only will this lead to a much better experience for the end-customer, but it also frees up time for businesses to focus on strategy, positioning, and navigating a difficult climate.


Businesses must think more

COVID-19 has given many, both businesses and consumers, time to pause and reflect. This has resulted in some fantastic causes led by businesses. For example, Delifresh are delivering food parcels to NHS staff, and Pret Foundation are donating and delivering food to homeless shelters.

The environment will also need your attention. As businesses increase the amount of deliveries they can offer, they will also be looking to reduce the environmental impact that their vehicles make. This is why using systems to optimise routes; reducing the amount of miles and vehicles needed, will become invaluable.


Is YOUR business prepared for the future?

Find out how we can help you improve distribution and delivery within your business.

Call us today on 0800 054 6000 or email hello@communicatebetter.co.uk to learn more.


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