5 Ways to manage Post-lockdown Anxiety | The latest industry news and views | Communicate Better

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5 Ways to manage Post-lockdown Anxiety

Jul 6, 2021

The end is in sight and we're nearly out of the dark lockdown tunnel (here's hoping)... 

As lockdown restrictions ease, here's how to get back to feeling your best and cope with any feelings of post-lockdown anxiety.

exercise work from home


1. Take it slow

Firstly, remember that it’s completely understandable to experience a mixture of highs and lows right now. It’s likely that you’ve gotten used to a new way of life over the past year.

And while there may be aspects of your old life you’ve really missed, it’s also normal if you feel anxious or worried about what’s to come.

You might feel nervous about getting out of your comfort zone again and navigating situations you haven’t been in for a long time. The key is to recognise this and take things one step at a time.

Go at your own pace and don’t compare your experience to anyone else’s.

If you find you’re being self-critical, ask yourself: how would I speak to a friend right now? You deserve to show yourself the same care and compassion that you would to someone else.


2. Speak to someone you trust

Try to accept that any worries, fears or concerns you have are valid and to be expected.

Share how you’re feeling with someone you feel comfortable talking to. The chances are they’re experiencing similar feelings. So opening up about how you’re feeling can help you both to feel supported and understood.

If you don’t feel comfortable talking to someone you know, you can contact mental health support services such as the NHS, Samaritans or Mind and talk to someone in confidence.


Happy couple


3. Plan ahead

Consider which situations you’re feeling particularly anxious about and decide what you could do in this situation to help ease your concerns.

For example, if you’re anxious about taking public transport, can you find another way to travel? If not, could you travel at a quieter time of day when there may be less people around?

If you’re worried about returning to work, could you speak to your manager and ask to compress the hours you spend in the office? Plan ahead where possible, and take a positive, problem-solving approach.


4. Look after your wellbeing

Taking care of your physical health can help you to cope with feelings of anxiety and stressful situations when they arise.

Try to eat a healthy diet, limit alcohol, exercise regularly and get good-quality sleep. Even if life starts to get a little busier, remember to keep taking time out to look after yourself. Gradually build up what you’re doing as much as you feel comfortable. Don’t be afraid to set boundaries and turn down invitations if you need to.


eat healthy


5. Focus on the positives

Try to focus on the present moment. Take pleasure from the little things you can enjoy again with each stage of restrictions easing.

Maybe you’re looking forward to playing outdoor sports again, dining al fresco or spending the lighter evenings in the garden catching up with a friend.

You might find it helpful to keep a gratitude journal, where you write down what you’re grateful for each day.


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